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1 Time / Week
2 Times / Week
6 Months (1 Time)
6 Months (2 Times)
$900 $810
$1560 $1404
Registration Fee
$120 (Bag+Shoes+Tight+Leotard)
1 Time / Week
Registration Fee
Ballet + Art
$50 (Bag)
Unfortunately, if you can't attend due to personal reasons,
makeup classes are not available.
개인사정으로 결석시 메이크업 수업이 불가합니다.
1 Time / Week
2 Times / Week
3 Times / Week
3 Months (1 Time)
3 Months (2 Times)
3 Months (3 Times)
$450 $405
$780 $663
$1134 $964
Registration Fee
$80 (Bag+Shoes)
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