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New Client



Book  First 1:1  Trial  class

If you are new to Pilates or new client

who want to know about ToeToe pilates,

please book  First 1:1 Trial class now.


(Trial Class Require :  $20,   

If you purchase a plan, you will receive credit )

Book  Group class Trial


If you have experienced to Pilates,

you can book Group class for Trial now.

(Trial Class Require :  $20,  

  If you purchase a plan, you will receive credit )


3. 1:1 Private session and 2:1 Duet session

If you want to learn Pilates in detail from the basics,

or if you want to correct your posture, book a 1:1 private class or a 2:1 duet class.

Please contact us by phone or text for the schedule for

1:1 Private session and 2:1 Duet session.

1. 필라테스 경험이 없으시고 처음이시거나 토토필라테스에 대해서 경험해보기 원하시면  

       Free First Trial class 를 먼저 예약해 주세요.

2. 필라테스 경험이 있으시면 그룹수업  Free Group trial 로 예약 가능합니다. 

3. 필라테스를 자세하게 기초부터 배우고 싶다면, 혹은 자세교정을 원한다면

     1:1 개인수업이나 2:1 듀엣수업을 예약하세요. 

     1:1 개인수업과 2:1 듀엣수업은 전화나 텍스트로 스케줄 문의해주세요.

ASK for Appointment : 213. 500. 8058  

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